Programme > Conférences Invitées

Paolo Calvani (U. Sapienza, Rome): Infrared spectroscopy of two-dimensional electron systems

Joël Charrier (Foton, Lannion):Photonic integrated circuits based on Chalcogenide films for Mid-Infrared applications

Sophie de Brion (Inst. Néel, Grenoble):THz properties of multiferroic materials : magneto-electric effects in hexagonal manganites

Christian Grillet (INL, Lyon): Bright octave-span mid-IR supercontinuum generation in Group IV integrated waveguide

Sergey Krishtopenko (LCC, Montpellier): 2D Dirac fermions in III-V semiconductor quantum wells

Takis Kontos (LPENS, Paris): Vacuum field induced THz gap in an electronic system

Emmanuel Lhuillier (INSP, Paris): Infrared nanocrystals from NIR to THz and their potential for the design of colloidal quantum dot infrared photodetector

Jean-Michel Manceau (C2N, Palaiseau): Optically pumped intersubband polaritonic emitters

Sergio Nicoletti (LETI, Grenoble): Miniaturization of optical chemical sensors at chip level: challenges et perspectives

Emilien Peytavit (IEMN, Lille): Development of a millimeter-long travelling wave THz photomixer

Eleonore Roussel (PHLAM, Dunkerque): Single-shot measurements of THz electric field at megahertz acquisition rates: application to the detection of coherent synchrotron radiation

Eric Tournié (IES, Montpellier): Mid-infrared lasers epitaxially grown on silicon

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