The GDR NanoTeraMIR aims to build links and create exchanges between the different French actors of research in the fields of THz and MIR frequencies and in nanosciences and nanotechnologies. Its scientific objective is to enrich the fundamental knowledge on the physical properties of nanomaterials and nanocomponents at THz and MIR frequencies as well as to promote the emergence of new THz and MIR concepts, devices and instrumentations from nanosciences and nanotechnologies.
The GDR annual days
The annual days aim to structure the French community working on these general themes (THz, MIR, Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies). They will take place from 18 to 20 June 2019 under the beautiful sun of Saint Raphael (Côte d'Azur, France).
The GDR days will be located at an external site: all participants will be accommodated at the conference venue, in order to facilitate exchanges and interactions during poster, dinner and other events. Registration for the GDR days therefore includes congress, accommodation and meals. To facilitate the participation of young researchers, the aim is to make the registration for these days free for doctoral and post-doctoral students. Note that the accommodation can be in double rooms.
Call for papers
The call for papers is open until March 31st. Please use the template available here.
Provisional calendar
March 31st: Submissions deadline April 20th: Notification of abstracts May 10th: Registration deadline